Terms & Conditions

Fees are calculated based on 10 months of classes spread evenly over 12 monthly payments.

Fees will be taken from your account on the 1st of the month.

We do require 1 full calendar month’s notice of cancellation of your child’s classes. Final months payment will be taken due to any event, competition or examinations as these are booked in advance & it is only respectful to the pupils within the class & coach so they have time to adjust any work. You must contact us to cancel payments. As our fees are spread evenly throughout the year, an additional fee may be added if leaving before the 12 month period is finished.

If a pupil leaves before the 12 months, an additional fee may be added if total fees paid up to leaving date does not cover the individual class cost.

After your child’s two week trial you will be asked to pay £15 yearly membership per child.This covers insurances to participate in classes & in shows, competitions & examinations.

If your child is off due to illness, fees are still expected to be paid and no refund given.Holidays in which are taken during term will not decrease your block of fees and full payment must be paid to secure your Childs place.

If you are unable to pay or miss payment, a £5 late fee will be added for each week missed and class for kids will attempt to take payment again. No payment may result in your child being unable to participate. Payment must be settled before the next block or you may risk losing your Childs place.

In the extreme circumstances that any classes are cancelled due to poor weather conditions, classes will not be rescheduled or fees reimbursed. This is circumstances that are completely out with our control and we will always endeavour to put safety first.


There may be an odd occasion throughout the term that we may need to cancel classes for any of the reasons above, but not limited to. Health & Safety is always paramount at GDA and we will always put the health and safety of our students and coaches first. In the event of a contagious disease we will always follow the government guidelines and work alongside them. All classes will be rescheduled within 20 weeks and we will endeavour to accommodate as much as possible. No class refunds will be given in any circumstances and if you cannot make reschedule classes then class time must be made up at any other classes.

GDA are affiliated with the British Association of Teachers of Dancing (BATD). All pupils are required to wear our uniform which must be purchased from us. This is the only uniform that is permitted within our academy.

Children will be expected to have class uniform within 4 weeks of starting at GDA. All items of attire may be ordered through ourselves. Full payment must be made when ordering and a confirmation email must be sent confirming your order and payment. Non printed items should take no longer than 4 weeks for delivery Printed items can take up to 8 weeks for delivery depending on stock availability and time of year. All attire must be marked with pupils name and we will not be held responsible for any lost/misplaced items - marked or not. Correct shoes must be worn to all classes – please understand it is not our job to check your daughter/sons dance shoes fit so please check size approx.

Attendance is expected at every class Please telephone/text/email should your child be absent from class. We would ask that you advise us of absence as soon as you know.

During class it is highly unlikely our coaches will take a call unless in an emergency, a member of staff if available will take your call or alternatively leave a message or text. Please arrive promptly for all classes. Should a child be off for 2 weeks or more and we have not been informed then please assume your child’s place may have been given to someone else, however we will email you confirmation of our decision. It is courtesy to inform us ASAP of any holiday bookings or absence from class as soon as you know of dates – even if it is months in advance – we keep a diary of all absence and in particular when we are working on show/exam work and competitive classes it is imperative we know what attendance brackets we are working with.

BATD examinations take place every 2nd years. Dates will always be advised. All pupils aged 3 years and above are entered into examinations. Full class attire is required. Exam entrance fee entitles pupil to receive: - exam report sheet, medal(s) & certificate(s). Should pupil continue to enter examinations they will be eligible to enter teaching/professional examinations age permitting. Any pupil who is off for more than 2 weeks prior to an exam or indeed the last absent the class prior to exam, will need to be assessed by me before examination and I reserve the right to withdraw without refund should standard not be satisfactory.

The school hosts a production every second year - dates/month may vary. All pupils are eligible to participate and will be required to participate in all show nights and or matinee and evening show. Minimum 1/2 show nights and 1 dress rehearsal. All pupils must attend the show dress run. Pupils will perform in no less than 2/3 numbers (tinies maximum 4) numbers and all costumes are hired out at a charge per costume. 2 non-refundable costume deposits will be taken throughout the year.

Costume hire fees cover: -

Bagging of costumes approx. 2 night costume wear

Return cleaning & boxing of costumes

Teachers and instructors will take each new start into consideration when allowing parents to watch class, however this is at teacher discretion. Parents of children under 5 must stay within the building. At GDA we aim to grow our pupils in confidence and independence. As part of this we do like all our parents to allow their child to walk into class on their own accord ready to join in. On the run up to competitions and shows, parents will not be allowed to watch as this will ruin the surprise!

We do have online chats ( WhatsApp groups) please ask to be added. This is where we post videos to help the pupil practice & polish the routines. One to one tuition is available if required at an extra cost.

Please arrive no later than 5 minutes before class starts and finishes so we have a swift easy transition between classes. We also ask that once you have collected your child that you vacate as quick as possible to allow us to start the next class. Please have your child in uniform ready to dance.

GDA will hold this personal information for business use only and will not be given to any 3rd party unless required to by law.

If you are looking to withdraw from GDA, classes again will be non refundable.

If you have any questions you are more than welcome to ask however class time is time for your children. If you have any questions or would like more information we ask if you can contact us via email galaxydanceacademy@yahoo.com or via our facebook or Instagram pages.

Pupils must obey full instructions and present good behaviour in class for health and safety reasons. If this is not followed then pupils may be removed. No fees will be refunded.

Physical contact may be necessary by teaching staff. Any concerns please contact Galaxy Dance Academy teachers.

Galaxy Dance Academy has the right to change any terms and conditions without notification.


Thank you for taking the time to read through our class policies. None of them are there for you to feel dictated to etc. They are merely there to keep our journey at GDA as simple as possible and help everyone understand the reasons behind the policies.